Professional Practice: My Roles and Responsibilities
In this essay, entitled "My Roles and Responsibilities", I shall evaluate and demonstrate that I do in fact, have the necessary and required skill set needed of me to successfully enter the film making industry successfully.
One example of this, would be meeting deadlines. Although at the beginning of the year I will admit to only just scraping by making something in time for deadlines, I will overall argue that I have improved my time keeping and organisation skills. For example with the augmented reality and podcast projects, I am on track to get those handed in by the deadline. I also managed to get the Stourhead project in on time with relative ease, before a number of my peers had done so. As a result, I would most definitely wager that my meeting of deadlines has truly progressed since the beginning of this academic year, with me handing in projects much more efficiently than previously. In spite of the beginning of the year where I was very borderline with my ability to hand in projects within the deadline, at one time only having a major project; in the form of the advertising project, ready a mere couple of days prior to the deadline, I would say my handling of a deadline has indeed improved since then, due to me finishing practical tasks before the deadline with ample time to spare to polish off paper work and so on.
Another example of a skill set I possess as to why I am suitable for the film making industry, would be working collaboratively. There have been a great deal of times over this course so far which have required me to work with others; prime examples would be the Stourhead and Music Video projects. Although I will say that I am generally better suited and more inclined towards working independently, I would say that i can also work effectively in teams if I am required to do so. For example on the music video project, me and my team successfully collaborated, speaking of our ideas together and made a very strong final product. On that project, I found the singer/band and help tailor some of the aesthetics and style for the music video, whilst my other teammates were more involved in the technical sense of the project; with these two different approaches mixed together, I would definitely say that the final product was indeed, very strong. Another good example of my collaborative skills would be on a series of minor "one day" projects undertaken near the beginning of the academic year, during enrichment sessions. Examples of this would be mock interview shows that our class produced, with me often being the "host" of these shows or a guest. However I would say one of the best examples to showcase my collaborative skill would be during one of these enrichment sessions where I made a small music video with a group of other students. We all discussed our ideas for this miniature project, and I would say that the production of this miniature project is a prime example of my collaborative potential.
I would say that my general skills have greatly improved as well as those listed above. For example my editing skills have shown strong progress since the start of this course; I pride myself on a generally good and tight set of editing skills. Additionally, I believe heavily that my writing skills are far above adequate, or at least are in a number of cases. My essays and evaluations as an example, I would say are splendid. My creativity I believe is also a key reason as to why I am well suited to make it big in the film industry; my innovative and unique creativity I am hoping at least will carry me far in the industry. As an example, i have numerous plots for potential films and television shows planned out, as well as some more unusual visual and aesthetic inspirations than typical of my generation, with a lot of vintage styles influencing me. I would also say that i can create good, three dimensional characters, which will hopefully also let me go far. Due to all this, these factors should hopefully be of good use towards me applying myself well to the film, and creative industry in general.
There have been numerous different roles I have had throughout the academic year. There have been a wide variety of these roles, which include those in front of the camera, such as acting in another group's music video, presenting and appearing on fictional interview shows during enrichment sessions at the beginning of the academic year, along with some less involved parts such as being filmed for short tutorials about the 180 degree rule. Another role which I have had was a creative influence behind a project. An ample example of this would be the music video project, in which I originally found the singer that we eventually produced the video with, and I also influenced the aesthetic ans style of the project conceptually, helping talk through possible aesthetics, styles and themes for the project with both my team and the client.
Finally, I believe my organisation skills will effectively cater towards my needs to succeed in the film industry. It is no secret that my organisation skills at the beginning of the year were very much in need of improvement, but I definitely think that the improvement has been delivered; since the first project which I think would be fair to say I "winged it", a response to this messy organisation during the first project have whipped me into action for subsequent projects, and firmly encouraged me to organize myself far better. Since the original project of the course, I have made sure that I complete my projects less at the last minute than previously; I have made sure that I am able to complete tasks within the deadline given to me, and that these said tasks are done to the satisfactory, professional standards required of me.