Recce Report
This recce report was done when I thought I would be filming int he canteen.
Risk Assesment
This risk assessment was done back when I believed I would be filming in Somerset College's canteen.
The Final Advert
Finally here it is, my complete advert.
Final Evaluation
Here I shall be evaluating my full project. I thought of an idea for what advert to make over the summer, and I decided that initially...
Camera Shots
Different types of camera shots we did ages ago.
Chezzle Advert "Demo"
Right then. So the advert didn't exactly go according to plan, I ran out of time and so forth. I deviated rather radically from my...
Methods & Techniques in Advertising: Final Full Essay
I have decided to merge my numerous essays on advertising techniques for one clear, easy to read essay. Here I shall examine numerous...
Storyboard Revision
Here I have revised my storyboard. It's stuck me that it may be a better idea to set the advert after the characters have got the drinks....
Potential Change in Setting/Location
Although I initially selected setting my advert in a bar of some form, I've decided it may be more viable to instead set it within the...
Methods/Techniques in Advertising
One category of classification includes Ethos,Pathos and Logos. Ethos advertising generally includes an endorsement of some kind by a...