Chezzle Advert "Demo"
Right then. So the advert didn't exactly go according to plan, I ran out of time and so forth. I deviated rather radically from my original idea. Initially I wanted a bunch of hipsters in a bar, it turned into a bunch of college kids in a barn full of chavs and writing everywhere. At least the dialogue was more or less similar to what I originally wrote, even if I've cut a large chunk of it camera shots were very limited (the chavs sat to the left of me and the crew didn't exactly help...) and the setting, on a rather glum looking day wasn't exactly an excellent idea.
In hindsight I effeminately should have taken more time and consideration into this, leaving my casting to almost quite literally the last minute was a poor idea.
My lecturer understandably has asked me to re-do the entire advert, so now I need to crack on with trying to figure how exactly to do that.