How I Created my AR Poster
First I got a picture of Stourhead off the internet; I copied and posted it into MSPaint, a program I use regularly for things such as...
Augmented Reality Proposal & Treatment
For my augmented reality poster to be created using the app Layar, I plan on editing a picture of Stourhead by drawing over the top of it...
Podcast Proposal & Treatment
Initially I had planned on conducting the podcast as a fictional character called Graham Bramley, who to sum it up shortly is supposed to...
Podcast Analysis
Podcasts are a vast medium, a very versatile one, with their popularity and interest in them growing day by day. They are digital media...
Podcast Schedules
Bellow are my production and shooting schedules for the Podcast Project.
Podcast: Client Communication
Here are some screenshots of all client communication online for the podcast project.
Augmented Reality Research Essay (Redo)
Augmented reality, commonly abbreviated to simply "AR", is a form of technology which can superimpose a virtual, computer generated...
Observing the Differences in Working Methods
There are numerous different working methods in film-making; two prime examples of these include freelancing and contractual work. A...
Analysis of Jobs within the Creative Media Industry
Here is a look at some different jobs within the creative media industry, and some of the requirements needed to do such a job. Casting...