Augmented Reality Evaluation
My augmented reality project idea was a simple but in my mind an effective one; I drew over the top of a picture of the main building at...
Podcast Evaluation
For my podcast, I decided to use a bizarre and unusual theme; the selected theme being stamp collecting. However I wanted it to have a...
Professional Practice: My Roles and Responsibilities
In this essay, entitled "My Roles and Responsibilities", I shall evaluate and demonstrate that I do in fact, have the necessary and...
Music Video Project: Client Communication
Here are screenshots of my communications with the client, including first going forward and asking whether she would be interested in...
Music Video Project: Editing Screenshots
Here are some screenshots of our music video during the editing process. Above: During later stages of editing on Adobe Premiere. Above:...
Music Video Project Storyboard
Here is the story board for our music video, hand drawn by yours truly.
Music Video Project Shooting Schedule
Here is the shooting schedule for the music video project.
Music Video Risk Assessment
Here is the risk assessment for when we went to film at outside locations for the music video project.
Music Video Project Proposal and Treatment
Here is the proposal and treatment for the music video project.
Music Video Project Location Recces
Here are the location recces for the music video project.