Burger King Mmm Advert
Here's an example of a pathos advert, from Burger King in 2012. The advert shows a man eating a burger from the fast food chain and making an "mmm" noise, as many people do when they find something tasty. However, this man continues to make this noise literally for the rest of the entire day, even in the middle of the night, when he's asleep (much to his wife/girlfriend's dismay). This is meant to imply that this burger from, Burger King is so good, that this man has made a continuous "mmm" noise throughout the entire day, which in a way mildly taps into ethos advertising as well. However, this advert uses predominantly pathos techniques due to appealing to people's sense of humour and fun, in the form of comedy. The ad tries to be memorable via the usage of humour, hoping to stick in people's mind and encourage the consumption of Burger King products, particually the specific burger that is being advertised in this ad.