180 Rule
Here's a video about the 180 point rule. To keep the viewer from being confused as to where the people or objects in the scene are, it is...
Recce Report
This recce report was done when I thought I would be filming int he canteen.
Risk Assesment
This risk assessment was done back when I believed I would be filming in Somerset College's canteen.
The Final Advert
Finally here it is, my complete advert.
Final Evaluation
Here I shall be evaluating my full project. I thought of an idea for what advert to make over the summer, and I decided that initially...
Camera Shots
Different types of camera shots we did ages ago.
Chezzle Advert "Demo"
Right then. So the advert didn't exactly go according to plan, I ran out of time and so forth. I deviated rather radically from my...
Methods & Techniques in Advertising: Final Full Essay
I have decided to merge my numerous essays on advertising techniques for one clear, easy to read essay. Here I shall examine numerous...
Storyboard Revision
Here I have revised my storyboard. It's stuck me that it may be a better idea to set the advert after the characters have got the drinks....
Potential Change in Setting/Location
Although I initially selected setting my advert in a bar of some form, I've decided it may be more viable to instead set it within the...